What's that stiffness in my neck?
Feel that lump come in my throat
Stomach dropping to my knees
Feel like I just missed the boat
Panic rising to my head
Heartbeat racing, breathing fast
Can I do it? Will I fail?
How long will these feelings last?
Apprehension overwhelms
Nervous twitching, fingers curled
Tension headache, aching back
All these symptoms now unfurled
Now my body's overrun
Hormones racing from my glands
Must release it, let it out
How to do it's in my hands
Lost our way of fight or flight
Stored up anger, unreleased
Words and shouting flung about
Now it's time that raging ceased
Relaxation, that's the key
Integration of the mind
Exercise, good food to eat
Leave those worries far behind
Hold that stress out at arm's length
Draw it, write it, let it go
Roll it in a little ball
Throw it out, release that woe
Find the tools you have inside
Make a choice to be serene
Welcome stress, become its friend
Don't put life in quarantine.
bil's babe.
Saturday, April 11, 2009,
x 8:50:00 PM
HAHAHA...sorry dear :)Forever takes me by a minute, While I'm here with you. I'm falling even more in love, With everything you do. Hold me in your arms, Look deep into my eyes, Don't turn away and let me go, Don't ever tell me lies. I swear I'll never let you go, I'll always hold On TightI'll carry On Day And Night
There aren't enough hours, In each passing day, To find all the words, I wish I could say. Your kiss will last forever, Your touch forever warm. You'll guide me to the sunlight, And shield me from the storm. This is what I'm saying, With everything that's true, I swear on my life, That I really do love you.
bil's babe.
Monday, April 6, 2009,
x 9:08:00 PM
I've been w him for almost four years but me not getting on mereka is causing major argument between kami. Honestly, I dislike mereka:-( I've no idea why. What should I do? I felt guilty w my boyfriend since last 2 years ago because of this such things. I've been told him before, but then he asked me not to dislike mereka forever. Yet I still can't stand w mereka(s) and probably mereka can't stand me (I guess) they hung out together, I thought it was healthy and mature of us to have friends that are just ours. Then, since lastyme they had hung out for twice a week and everyday mereka late balik I'm started annoy, hell. Everytyme he mentions about mereka, I feel really uncomfortable and I'm speechless and of course I've no mood tarus. I don't know why. I might be so jealous when mereka hang out together ka? BIG NO! I knew mereka are guy but then hmm entah I've no idea. Most of people say, it's normal for guys, that all guys are this way when they grew up. But it has made me feel thinks negative toward mereka. I tried to ignore it but I ended up bursting out in tears to him and was so angry about all of it, he was had no idea (I think) 'cos I'm being so stupid. I've been try to understand but yet it still makes my tears rolling down on my face.
p/s: I'm sorry for saying the truth here. I can't hold it anymore *tear rolls bit by bit*Labels: mereka.
bil's babe.
x 12:01:00 AM
at the moment, i've no mood cos there's something that really makes me so so...hmm, nevermind just forget about it! Ohhhyeaa, lastnight we had function at rumah nini babu (nini babu is what I call my grandma side bah) it is "Makan-makan Aul" i don't know what is it meant. All the family came they were aunties, uncles, nenek(s), atuk(s) and bla bla bla :) but we were late went to rumah nini cos we have to wait for abang balik kerja then I have to usaikan adik, ISHA's tudung. Gosh, she wants to be like teens baa tym ma was busy choosed which jubah should ma pakai then Isha pun busy asked "ma, boleh isha pakai tudung mcm mama and kaka? Isha inda suka tudung mcm aunt (indonesia's tudung) *melating right?* then she took my colourful tudung, 1st she looks at the tudong then match it w her jubah then she asked me "kaka, boleh isha pakai ne? Lawakan" then me like ohh, okay HAHA she's so cute baa then tarus tia she asked my maid for gosokkan the tudung aa. Truly! she looks so cuteee w tudong aa. Unfortunately, I didn't took her pic and also pic arah rumah nini cos ma and bah camera was far away, the camera makan angin at S'pore kan operate HAHA while my phone is suck pasal lagging aa.
so far, we had a lot of fun there, i've no idea how to say about the fun. But, what made a such particullar funny was adik, FAKHRULLAH fallen arah my nini's belanga HAHAHA cos he was poke fun at my cousin called EFFIN baa then effin ane balas balik to fakhrullah. Then fakhrul pun terus hug him from behind then effin seems kan gugur then probably fakhrullah couldn't balance baa HAHAHA yatah gugur atuu kasian lagi tuu he said "aduhhh, sakit bottom alai ehh." w expression yang funny and gendut atuu HAHAHALabels: adik, camera.
bil's babe.
Friday, April 3, 2009,
x 12:48:00 AM

*sigh* once in a while, in the middle of ordinary life, love gives us a FAIRY TALE. don't frown, you never know whos fallin in know w your smile ;) nobody is perfect until you fall in love w sii dia. Don't find love, let love find you. That's why it's called fallin in love because you don't force yourself to fall, you just fall! We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.
Labels: LOVE
bil's babe.
Thursday, April 2, 2009,
x 12:35:00 AM
thanks for being there when i needed a shoulder to lean on, for patienly listening to my personal problem.
I just want you to know you in my life and I thank Allah for that. Thank you for the lovee and the joy you bring. You've changed my life, Baby. You're the only boyfriend who gives my heart some excitement and thrills. When I'm with you I feel like I'm out of control. You taught me how to handle life seriously, you taught me how to solve my problem and to face it without any fear. When I'm with you I feel no fear, not even a single one. I know that when you say you love me and I admit that I've fallen for you, I know that I would shed any tears from now on. I love you that's what I want you to bear in your mind and it's for keeps.
dengan ciintaa,
deejah <3Labels: for bilnoorismadi.
bil's babe.